In an emergency 110

Answering an emergency call at a police control center
In an emergency 110
What to do if you need help?
If you or others are in distress: Dial 110!

Citizens can use the emergency number 110 to get quick and effective help from the police in emergency situations around the clock. This service is free of charge. Emergency calls have the highest priority at the police control centers and are handled by specially trained police officers.

All necessary information from those seeking help is recorded and checked immediately. After a tactical assessment by the police officers at the control center, radio patrol cars are dispatched to provide assistance - as close to the scene as possible.


While the radio patrol car drives to the scene, all other necessary measures are coordinated in parallel. For example, additional police support units are dispatched or the deployment of emergency services is arranged via the fire department.

Please note that when you dial the emergency number 110 on your cell phone, you will not always automatically reach the local control center. This is due to technical reasons. But no matter which control center you reach: We are there for you and will help you!


The police need the following information from you:

Who is calling?

Tell us your name.

What has happened?

Shortly describe what you observed.

Where did it happen?

Give as precise details as possible about the place where your observation took place. If you don't know exactly where you are, a smartphone or car navigation device can help.

When did it happen

Indicate the time or period of the incident as precisely as possible.

HOW did it happen

Briefly describe the sequence of events.

Why did it happen?

Did something decisive happen beforehand? Are there any causes for what happened?

WHO is involved?

Provide details of the perpetrator, victim and witnesses. If unknown, describe the people involved.


People with speech or hearing impairments have the option of sending an emergency fax. You will find the required form on the right. Or click here.

Send the emergency fax to 02371/9199-4791.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110