Lüdenscheid - Detention after fire and resistance

Lüdenscheid - Detention after fire and resistance
After a woman from Lüdenscheid and her companion set fire to a container, they were confronted by the police. We report.
Police Märkischer Kreis
Police Märkischer Kreis

Two paper containers caught fire on Reinerzer Ring at 22:45 on Wednesday and the fire department intervened. An hour later, a container was set alight on Berliner Straße, where the police were able to find two fugitives. They were a 21-year-old man from Lüdenscheid and a 22-year-old woman from Lüdenscheid. The latter was under the influence of alcohol and was taken into custody to prevent further crimes. While being taken into custody, she began to threaten a police officer with words and resisted, during which a police officer was slightly injured. After consultation with the public prosecutor's office, a blood sample was taken to determine the exact level of alcoholization at the time of the offence. She was then released on Thursday morning after sobering up and calming down.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110