Online instead of schoolyard

Online instead of schoolyard
Videos on cycling training for road accident prevention

Bike and helmet checked? What can the eagle owl do? And where is a protected area?

Learn how to cycle safely, socialize and have fun with the police.

Unfortunately, this was not possible at the elementary school this year. To make up for this, the cycling training was filmed. With the videos, the police provide parents and children with assistance in practising safe cycling together and getting to grips with the dangers of road traffic.

The order of the videos is structured chronologically in two blocks. The introductory video shows why it is important to practise the content of the first block in a safe area. Only then should you apply what you have learned on the road. Practice makes perfect! If you transfer what you have learned to your child's daily route, you will prepare them well for their personal journey by bike.

Have fun practising with your MK police road safety advisors!

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110