Increased car break-ins in the city of Menden

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Increased car break-ins in the city of Menden
In recent weeks, car thieves have repeatedly struck in Menden. We give tips on how you can protect yourself.

The crime scenes were spread across the city of Menden. The perpetrators smashed windows and ransacked two dozen vehicles (as of 06.11.). In the vast majority of cases, the perpetrators came away empty-handed. If anything, they made a small haul, including some small change or a loudspeaker box.

Opportunity makes thieves

However, it is always "opportunity" that literally "makes thieves" in this type of crime. Car burglars often take advantage of the opportunity. The windows are quickly smashed. A quick reach into the interior and the sat nav or handbag are gone. The classic car break-in usually only takes a few seconds and makes relatively little noise. The police are therefore often dependent on witness statements. In these cases too, we ask citizens who have seen anything suspicious to pass on their observations to the police. Information is generally accepted from all police stations. For the city of Menden, this is of course primarily the police station in Kolpingstraße, telephone number: 02373/9099-0.

Protect yourself!

The following principle applies: A car is not a safe! Therefore, nothing should be left in the vehicle that could attract the interest of car thieves. Unfortunately, even the small change in the center console is often enough. Even the smallest loot can quickly result in several hundred euros in damage for subsequent repairs. So always take valuables with you. Lock your vehicle thoroughly. Remember: car thieves know every hiding place, no matter how safe they think it is! If you see suspicious people sneaking around cars or even smashing windows, call us immediately on 110!

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110